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Conservation Analytics Pty Ltd was founded in late 2018 to facilitate projects in wildlife, forestry and marine conservation. At Conservation Analytics, we can provide in-depth analysis of data heavy projects on a wide range of issues in the conservation sphere, including (but not limited to):

  • identifying trends in timber and wildlife trafficking routes, nodes and points of vulnerability,


  • analysis or review of referrals and Environmental Impact Assessments (EIAs) against the Australian Federal Environmental Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 (EPBC Act) or State and Territory equivalents,


  • conducting or auditing fisheries assessments against the EPBC Act requirements for export and/or State and Territory equivalents,


  • policy advice on significant impacts against matters of National Environmental Significance (NES) in the EPBC Act,


  • strategic advice on issues related to domestic and international implementation of the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Fauna (CITES), EPBC Act policy or regulations,


  • preparation of species listing proposals for EPBC Act listing or CITES Conference of the Parties (CoP)


  • development of CITES Non Detriment Findings for timber, marine or terrestrial species


  • detailed trade analysis for patterns of trade, new and emerging trends and potential for illegal trade, specializing in timber and wildlife


  • development of innovative ideas to tackle conservation issues and the strategic structures required to implement them

  • strategic risk assessments of your organisation and its operating environment to determine a safer operating model

Currently Conservation Analytics is providing project support to NGOs with project footprints across southern Africa and Asia. We are poised to take on additional challenges to help your government, business or NGO achieve desired results that will improve the conservation outcomes for wildlife species, forests and the marine environment across the globe.


Contact us on to see how we can help your organization achieve its objectives.


Mission: to improve conservation outcomes for wildlife, forests and marine ecosystems by  developing innovative conservation strategies to ensure a sustainable future.

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